How to Dream Big?

7-minute read

Do you have dreams? Little dreams big dreams, fantasies, plans, hopes, passions?


People often assume that some dreams are difficult (or impossible) to fulfill because they lack something – talent, ambition, or financial means. But what are the real obstacles?

Very often the reason why you don’t fulfill your dreams is interpreted as a lack of talent or ambition but very often people are just not taught how to dream and fulfill their goals.

Overthinking can be a significant obstacle to taking action for several reasons:

  1. Paralysis by analysis: Overthinking often involves getting caught up in excessive analysis and considering every possible outcome or scenario. This can lead to decision paralysis, where a person becomes unable to make a choice or take action because they are overwhelmed by the multitude of possibilities.
  2. Increased anxiety and fear: Overthinking tends to focus on negative outcomes and potential risks, which can lead to heightened anxiety and fear. This anxiety can create a barrier to action, as individuals may be afraid of the consequences or uncertainties associated with their choices.
  3. Loss of focus and motivation: When we spend too much time dwelling on the details and potential problems, it can drain our mental energy and motivation. This mental fatigue can make it challenging to stay focused and take decisive action.
  4. Missed opportunities: Overthinking can cause individuals to hesitate or delay making decisions. In some cases, this may result in missing out on opportunities that could have been beneficial.
  5. Self-doubt and lack of confidence: Overthinking can lead to self-doubt and a lack of confidence in one’s abilities to handle situations effectively. This lack of belief in oneself can prevent individuals from taking action, as they may feel they are not capable of achieving their desired outcomes.
  6. Perfectionism: Overthinkers often set high standards for themselves and strive for perfection. This perfectionism can make it challenging to take action because they fear making mistakes or falling short of their expectations.
  7. Mental and emotional exhaustion: The constant rumination and analysis associated with overthinking can exhaust a person mentally and emotionally. As a result, they may lack the energy or motivation to initiate action.

To overcome the obstacle of overthinking, it can be helpful to practice mindfulness, which involves being present in the moment and observing thoughts without judgment. Additionally, setting time limits for decision-making and focusing on taking small steps toward a goal can prevent getting stuck in overthinking loops. Seeking support from friends, family, or a therapist can also be beneficial in gaining perspective and finding ways to address the underlying concerns that contribute to overthinking.

Sometimes your own brain is in the way. Intelligence can sometimes be associated with overthinking due to several factors:

  1. Analytical nature: Intelligent individuals often possess strong analytical skills, which means they are naturally inclined to analyze situations, information, and possibilities in depth. This analytical nature can lead to overthinking, as they may try to consider every angle and potential outcome before making a decision.
  2. High cognitive capacity: Intelligent people typically have a higher cognitive capacity, enabling them to process information quickly and thoroughly. While this is generally advantageous, it can also lead to overthinking, as they may have a greater ability to hold multiple thoughts and considerations simultaneously.
  3. Perfectionism: Intelligence is sometimes linked to high standards and perfectionist tendencies. Intelligent individuals may feel pressure to excel and avoid mistakes, leading to overthinking as they strive for optimal solutions and outcomes.
  4. Anticipating problems: Intelligent people may be more adept at foreseeing potential problems and risks in various situations. While this can be a valuable skill, it can also lead to overthinking, as they may get stuck trying to predict and plan for all contingencies.
  5. Rumination: Intelligent individuals may have a tendency to ruminate, which involves dwelling on negative thoughts and experiences. This rumination can lead to overthinking, as they struggle to let go of thoughts and move forward.
  6. Complexity of thought: Intelligent individuals may naturally think in complex ways, exploring interconnected ideas and concepts. This can make it more challenging for them to reach simple, straightforward conclusions, leading to overthinking.
  7. Doubt and uncertainty: Intelligent individuals may be more aware of the complexity and uncertainty of the world, leading to increased doubt and indecision. This doubt can contribute to overthinking as they seek to find the best possible solutions.

It’s important to note that while intelligence can contribute to overthinking, it does not mean that all intelligent people are prone to overthinking, nor does it mean that individuals with average intelligence cannot be overthinkers. Overthinking can affect people of all intelligence levels, and it is a behavior that can be addressed and managed with self-awareness, mindfulness, and the development of healthy coping strategies.

In order to discover and develop your potential, you should be aware of your personal issues which are the real obstacles in the way to achieve your goals. Ask yourself the following questions and I believe, you will have much more clarity on the matter.

  • What do I want?
  • Is this my own wish or someone else’s (my lover’s, my parents’, my friends’)?
  • Do I want to achieve it because it will make ME happy or because I want to prove something to others?
  • What stops me? What are my fears?
  • What is more important for me than my success?
  • Would I risk it?
  • What am I ready to give up in order to succeed?
  • What will my life be like when I finally achieve my goals?
  • What problems will I have then?
  • Am I able to deal with them?
  • Am I afraid of failing? Why?
  • What do I risk?
  • What don’t I risk?
  • Am I ashamed when I fail?

These are tough questions. It took me at least one year to answer all of them, but it is important to make a distinction between overthinking an actual analysis of your own situation. If overthinking becomes overwhelming and interferes with daily functioning, seeking support from a mental health professional can be beneficial.

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