A Proficiency Guide to Obtaining Thicker Skin When Your Friends and Family Don’t Support Your Ideas

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Sometimes our closest people tend to cut our wings. But there are many valid reasons for them to do it. Their beliefs, their fears, anxieties, lack of faith or too much preocupation could cause them to discourage you when you take up something new, brave and exciting.

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The rules of positive thinking require from us not to pay attention to what our friends and family say, especially when they are highly pessimistic. But is this really the best option for you?

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All About Porn

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Even though pornography is older than Christianity, it never seizes to scandalize us. Believe it or not, there are still some misconceptions and plenty of taboos about this exotic genre.

That is why I decided to answer some of the most frequent questions that I have been asked by friends, patients and readers of my blog.  Continue reading →

Love Is Something That You DO!

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It is difficult to find a soul mate, isn’t it?

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Especially if you live under the impression that there is a person (someone somewhere) who is just perfect for you. Or maybe you have the illusion that even if he/she is not exactly perfect you will love her/him so strongly all the time, that it will not mater.

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Why Self-Help Literature Almost Never Works?

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Maybe it is quite strange to read an article like this in the web page of someone who actually writes self-help articles. And maybe I am the one who should explain it to you…

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This “suicidal article” reflects my thoughts on one of the books by Jorge Bukay, which I read and forgot it all just within 2 weeks. Continue reading →

About “True” Friendship

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If we were to believe all the internet “wisdom” that circulates around the social media, we would think that “we should spare time for the people who love us unconditionally, and not the ones who are interested in us when the conditions are right”, also “not to feel sorry for lost friend because if a friend betrayed us this friendship never existed”, and so on and so forth.


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Happiness Is Boring

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All happy families are alike; each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.” ―  wrote Leo Tolstoy and he was right. Happiness is boring!


If you are happily engaged in a relationship right now (especially if you are in this blissful situation for long time) you probably have already realized that happiness is very monotonous.

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What Is The Main Purpose Of Parenthood?

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Nobody knows instantly how to be a parent. Experiments start from the very moment when someone makes the decision to have a child and continue all life. Sometimes though, overwhelmed parents forget the main purpose of parenthood and this is not favorable for their children.

padre3This is a small but significant thing to remember while you are raising kids – parent’s most important function is to create a functional individual out of his/her indefensive child.

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There Is Something That Your Therapist Doesn’t Tell You

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Seeing a therapist is a huge step to a better mental health. Even though it isn’t cheap, it is an important investment in your current and future wellbeing.


Therapy is a step towards achieving goals that can’t be evaluated financially like happiness, good relationship with one’s family, life without anxiety, etc. And aren’t those the things we long for most.

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