You are the least common denominator of your friends

3 minute read

If I were to do experimental psychology, I would try to design a personality test that defines you according to your relationship with your friends and what kind of people you tend to surround yourself with. Maybe I’ll do it someday.

For now, however, I focus on psychoanalysis and this inspires me to analyze my own choice of friendships. It’s a unique combination of individuals who often do not have much to do with each other, even so every one of them has much to do with myself. So I divided my friends into several basic types: Continue reading →

What If I Never Fit In?

3 minute read

My formal education to become a shrink lasted 14 years. There is a cliché that says “People study psychology so they can understand what is wrong with them.” While I have always seen myself as a moderately crazy and generally well-adjusted person, I always hated this claim.

Nevertheless, just recently I realized why I have been seeking more and more knowledge about the human mind in philosophy, psychology and psychoanalysis.

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Online Consultations? Who Can Benefit From Them?

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In our active everyday life, many of the services we use are very well represented on the internet. There are lots of online shops, lessons, meetings, clubs, dating, magazines, bookstores, games, etc.

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Our jobs as well as our private life are often powered by the internet connection on our smart phones.

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What Happens To Unloved Children and Why Is It So Damaging

2 minute read

Needless to say, children should be loved and taken care of.

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Human being is helpless during infancy and the healthy development depends on healthy parenting. Nevertheless not every parent lives up to the social and evolutionary standard. One would argue that these things happen, whatever doesn’t kill you makes you stronger… etc., etc.

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An Alternative Method to Treat Addictions

3 minute read

An article written by José Alberto Raymondi Ph.D.

When I read the article written by my colleague Dr. Raymondi, I knew that you have to share it with you. The fundamental question in every addiction is what part it takes in patient’s life.  You can look for the durable solution as soon as you find its answer.

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3 Reasons to Plan your Next Trip:

The Psychological Benefits of Travel

5 minute read

The saying “We travel not to escape life but for life not to escape us”, seems to be very popular these days. And frankly, I agree with it. Out of necessity or out of desire, we humans have always been travelers by nature.

To take a trip, we’re willing to save up money, pack, and deal with airport security. Continue reading →

Have Brunch with a Psycho(analyst)

When Mila first told me she was planning something “crazy” for her counseling practice over a Skype call, I was intrigued. When she told me that idea was getting together with small groups for brunch and deep, meaningful conversation, I was 100% interested.

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After all, her idea combined two of my favorite things: psychology and eating at weird hours.

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