To Call or Not to Call … My Ex

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Every breakup takes both of the partners. Afterwards each one of them can figure out for him/herself how much he/she has been hurt and why, so it is up to you to decide if you can call your ex or not. You are the person who knows you better than anyone else and you are the one who can evaluate if the problems that you couldn’t overcome the first time around are real deal breakers or not.

shall I call my ex

My observations in such situations made me believe a few things though.

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The Most Damaging Myth about Mental Illness (And How To Fight Against It)

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Mental illness and other psychological disorders have always been controversial. One of the main reasons this topic can be so polemic is all the myths surrounding it. There are many wrong beliefs about mental illness and psychological disorders, but right now, I’d like to focus on one that’s very damaging and sheds a light on the long road we’ve still got to travel when it comes to mental health.


There’s many ways to express this damaging belief, but it boils down to something like this:

“A mental illness is just a fancy way of naming a person’s weakness” Continue reading →

5 Myths About Smart Women

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First, I would like to explain that there is not an exact definition on who is smart. There are different types of intelligence and if we lack skills in one field we compensate them with abilities in other.

smart women

In my opinion, a smart woman is the one who can take responsibility for her actions, who can prioritize her tasks and goals and maintains healthy levels of self-criticism. The smart woman is educated and informed on diverse topics, she can communicate effectively with people from different backgrounds and cultures, she can put herself in the other person’s place; therefore she is able to accept or disprove the opinions of the others.

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3 More Lessons for Overcoming the Break Up-S

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If the first five worked just partially, and you still cry often for your ex. If your stomach still shrinks when you think about him/her and you think about purchasing a boxing bag with his/her face on it, you probably already know that your feelings haven’t disappeared. And yet, you broke up months ago and it is high time for you to move on.


Here is the ultimate break-up blaster with 3 more 3 more lessons for overcoming the break-up: Continue reading →

Do You Like Yourself Enough?

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Low self-esteem is one of the primary causes of unhappy life. If you don’t like yourself you are doomed to conform with an unhealthy lifestyle, toxic relationships, bad communication with your relatives, etc.


The point is – no one ever benefits from low self-esteem, neither you nor the people you love. This is just an issue you should overcome and the simple changes towards believing that you are actually a better person will make a huge difference.

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Slapping and Authority

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I confess, I often use the expression “you haven’t been slapped enough as a kid” especially when I refer to immature spoiled people who believe that life owes them everything. I use this expression figuratively, though. In fact this is very incorrect way to express my beliefs.


No child should ever be beaten or humiliated. Nothing good could come from this.

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The Immanent Functions of The Non-Existing Self

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Does the self exist? This is a hard question. From our everyday perspective the self is what gives us some sense of consistency, but if we look deeply into the question about the self, the psychological and philosophical topics related to the nature of the self, then maybe it is not too strange to claim that the self might be nothing more than a set of memories, perceptions and emotions.


This is not a new approach to the self. Western philosophy often reject its existence.

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Do Good Guys/Girls Exist? And If They Do, Where Can We Meet Them?

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The eternal question about finding and developing quality relationship is so important for our love life and even though I don’t see much of a progress in this field. In this article I will share my personal experience not because I am some kind of relationship master, but because after 15 years of dating and relationships I can say that I haven’t been severely hurt by anyone and I can still personally recommend to any girl dating most of my ex boyfriends. I still admire them and I believe that they are truly amazing smart people.


So I guess there is a reason why things have been going well for such a long time and I’d like to try to analyze what I have done well so everyone could take advantage of my experience.

“You will never meet a quality guy in a bar” – my mother used to say. And I always responded : “Well nice guys also go out, right!?” Continue reading →

You Are Not Responsible For Anyone Else’s Happiness – Nobody Is

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Happiness is something that you DO… by yourself. It requires time, energy, self-consciousness. Nobody can just give it to you as a present. It is something you fight for each day. And of course, you can’t give it to another person either.


Unconditional love is the maximum you can give to another person, while support, compassion and understanding is the absolute minimum, you owe to the people you love, but you are not able to bring happiness to anyone who is unable to achieve it. Continue reading →