3 Signs That You Are A Victim Of Manipulative Behavior

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Manipulative partners in life, spouses, lovers, friends, relatives… they are all the same. Well, OK, no they aren’t. People are unique and they behave in shitty ways for a bunch of unique reasons.

manipulative bahaviorNevertheless, you will always feel the same way as a result of their manipulations – BAD (Bewildered, Alienated, Doubtful). What are your emotions and experiences that show you that you are manipulated by someone you love? Continue reading →

Everything Is Temporal

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This is not a motivational post, in which I tell you that the pain eventually passes and that true happiness is in the small everyday stuff. Actually, sometimes pain never goes away, sometimes there is no one to share it with.time passing

Everything is temporal, without a reason. It just IS. Life is not static and that’s how it works. Continue reading →

You Are Not What You Wear – You Are Much More And You Know It!

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In my article Why “Dress For The Job You Want” Is Actually a Damn Good Advice I emphasized on the importance of the clothing when you try to blend in a community or especially in a job profile. Even though cloths matter, my advice to you was to be yourself no matter what. But how can you do both? How can you change your style radically and feel comfortable with it?

cloths identity

Sometimes it is tough because it is not in everyone’s nature to experiment with clothes. People who dress the same way for years often receive a great sense of personality when they put their favorite clothes on. If they really have to change it, they usually feel awkward and false.

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Why “Dress For The Job You Want” Is Actually a Damn Good Advice

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Getting a job is like finding a new boyfriend. You have to be emotionally prepared to find the right one; you should know what you want; you shouldn’t seem desperate and you should be really careful what you wear in order to attract the ones who are suitable for you.

dress for the job you want

You are already aware that while it may be fine to go to a job interview for a waitress wearing a short skirt, it is extremely unprofessional to be dressed the same way on an interview for a lawyer. When you get invited to a job interview try to figure out what is the unofficial dress code in the company. It is essential to be visually recognized as one of the team before you even have the chance to say “hello”. Continue reading →

Being In a Committed Relationship Is Not That Simple

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You will often hear me say that if there is compatibility and chemistry between two people, things between them just click easily – without games, without unnecessary drama, without desperate attempts to attract someone’s attention. If you have to put a lot of efforts in order to trick the other into being in a relationship with you, this relationship is just not worth it.

serious relationship

The moment when you meet someone with similar interests and values, who is attracted to you, things between you will gust happen.

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Dysfunctional Relationship? – Can I/Should I Make It Work?

3 minute read

As a therapist, I would never advise my clients to break up with someone or to do anything possible (and impossible) to make the relationship work. It is up to you to decide if a relationship has a future or not, but it is hard. One of my greatest achievements is helping a client establish better communication with his girlfriend. He wanted to fight for a relationship that I personally would never tolerate. It was important for him and now he is happy with her, even though a year ago she used to make his life miserable.

bad painful relationship

Figuring out what you want exactly is a hard task and it takes years to be achieved, but once you know yourself better you will be able to sort out the relationships that you can keep and the ones that you shouldn’t.

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How Even Good Parents Might Have Screwed Us Up

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There are millions of books about how bad parenting may damage children for life; psychologists work hard to help people overcome the traumatic childhood; some of you probably suffer from psychological issues related to lack of attention, abandoning parent, child abuse etc. But here’s a thing, which might surprise you.

Good parents also might have screwed us up.


Here are some examples for things that your parents might have done, willing to give you all the love and affection in the world and nevertheless, at a later stage, their actions might have been the cause of some toxic behaviors or personal issues.

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How Can I Desire What I Already Have?

Have you ever experienced a much higher sexual arousal when you have been away from your partner for a while? Of course you have. The reencounter after some time spent apart is one of the greatest and also most common turn-ons.


It is the desire for reconnection, for discovering the other and the feeling that somehow you are about to conquer your long term partner, no matter that for a long time you have considered her/ him “yours”.

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I Know a Lot About The Human Mind, But I know Nothing About You – Surprise Me!

flag_256spain_640A friend of mine is a molecular biologist and she shared with me that usually when she meets new people and they ask her what she does for living the answer causes a long uncomfortable silence.


Fortunately or not it is not the same when I tell someone that I am a Psychoanalysis PhD, nevertheless there are a bunch of silly questions that almost always come up. That’s why I decided to respond to them in an article and maybe bust some myths about the psychoanalysis.

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